Mr. Rudi Hartanto IN ACTION

An old building in the area

Long haired boy with his fighting cock

Cock fighting arena

A man is observing his fighting cock inside a bamboo cage.
Many buildings in the area of Old Semarang, also known as Little Nedherland, are left unused and ignored. It is not an exception to Jl. Kepodang (Kepodang street or Hoogendorp Straat in colonial time).
At this area, wild plants are growing on the old buildings and slowly deteriorating the structure, the cement come off the wall and expose the brick. The condition is becoming worst with the hot sun in dry season and monsoon rain in wet season and water intrusion.
However, everyday this area is always busy during the day, many people come to for their certain purpose : fighting their cocks.
Last Sunday (Sept 26th 2010) 'Semarang Urban Sketchers' went there to meet up and sketching.
Click HERE to see the photos.