Small pastilles metal box and plastic caps.
Double tape is used to attach the caps onto the internal bottom of the metal box.
Then choose the color we want.

The small box of six colors watercolor and A6 sketchbook ... perfect combination.

Try it out on my last year sketch.
This is the small set of six colors, that will be very easy to bring it on the go. I make it from a small metal tin of pastilles can, sized at 65 x 43 mm.
First the small metal box attracted me at near the cashier in the supermarket. I bought it another day then, and thinking of how I can put a watercolors there. One day at home I found that there's a small plastic cap (Dia. 18 mm) in the bottle of my Chinese ink which I was sure that it can be used to hold the water color. I work it out , the small metal box of the pastilles can accommodate six plastic caps, this means that I can have six colors in this small set. I have already had two bottles of Chines Ink so I need to buy four more.
I use double tape to glue the plastic caps onto the internal bottom of the metal box. The pan looks great … I really love this.
I then choose six colors of tubed watercolor and squeeze them into the place. It looks great and perfect to combined it with a small sketchbook.
Lazy site sketching … it's time to fill your small sketchbook now, go out and enjoy ……..
Iki wadah 'cat banyu' (watercolor) ku sing paling imut lan paling enak digowo lungo. Aku nggawe dewe soko wadah Pagoda Pastilles, ukuran e 65 x 43 mm.
Asal e aku kesengsem karo wadah pastilles iki ing supermarket, iku di pajang cedak karo kasir e. Aku mbayangke yen wadah cilik iku iso diisi karo watercolor … mestik leep tenan, tapi aku isih durung ngerti piye supoyo iso yo. Sawijining dino ing omah aku nyadari yen tutup plastik sing ono ing tinta bak botolan mbok menowo iso dienggo. Sa wis e tak cobo cobo aku yakin tenan yen iso … dadi kotak Pastilles kuwi iso di isi enem tutup plastik. Tutup plastik kuwi njur tak templek no nggo double tape marang dasaran e kotak pastilles kuwi. Wah … jan kethok keren banget. Sa wis e kuwi njur tak isi karo watercolor sing tak jupuk ke tko sing tube.
Yen di enggo karo buku gambar cilik jan pas banget. Enteng e nggambar di njobo yen ngene ki … ayo kono gek ndang di gambari bukune ...
Here I add some images of this small water colour set when used on location ...