I like to go around the city where I live in, Semarang, a Capital city of Central Java Province in the island of Java and I like to bring my sketchbook with me as well. Beside the activity of the people who live there, the buildings are also an attractive subject for sketchers, from the old buildings of the colonial time, Chinese temples to the contemporary ones. Enjoy ...

Gate to DP Mall Jl. Pemuda Semarang. It used to be the original building there and this one is just the imitation.

It's quite a funny Bank Building IMHO

A lamp pole in public space. Semarang main Train Station is in the back ground.

Kentucky Fried Chicken in Jl. Pemuda Semarang. KFC is the first fast food brand that opened it's outlet in Semarang. Mc Donal arrive later.

An old unused building from the colonial time in Jl. Pemuda ... one of the main street in the city.

City Bank Semarang. City Bank the first foreign bank that operates in Semarang, long long before Standard Chartered, HSBC, RBS and many more big names came around.